Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority—Habitat Mitigation (Prado Basin)

Your Content Goes Here Project Dates: September 2011 through October 2017 Description: SAWA was contracted by the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) to conduct non-native plant removal and restoration for a 10.25-acre project area in the Prado Basin. SAWA subcontracted the initial planting and herbicide application. After two years, SAWA took over herbicide application responsibilities

California State Water Resources Control Board—Proposition 50 Arundo Removal and Habitat Restoration Project

Project Dates: April 2008 to March 2014 Description: SAWA was hired to remove approximately 785 acres of invasive plant species within a 995-acre site in Hidden Valley Wildlife Area in Riverside. SAWA also maintained a restoration site of 11 acres within a 40-acre site in Carbon Canyon. SAWA planted 40 acres of native plants and placed

Riverside Flood Control & Water Conservation District—Lake Elsinore Outlet Channel and Gunnerson Pond Non-Native Invasive Plant Removal

Project Dates: November 2016 through 2018 Description: SAWA conducted non-native plant removal and herbicide applications to non-native vegetation within the Lake Elsinore Outlet Channel and around the perimeter of Gunnerson Pond. The total project acreage was approximately 75.2 acres, with about 2.4 acres of non-native vegetation removed/treated. SAWA's HRS manager conducted initial surveys, estimation, scheduling and oversight

Riverside Flood Control & Water Conservation District— Santa Ana River Non-Native Invasive Plant Removal

Project Dates: November 2016 through 2018 Description: The Santa Ana Watershed Association (SAWA) conducted non-native plant removal and herbicide applications to non-native vegetation within the Santa Ana River. The total project acreage was 264.83 acres, with approximately 26.84 acres of non-native vegetation removed/treated. Multiple staff members worked on this project. SAWA's Habitat Restoration Services (HRS) manager

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